T.M.I (but, Valuable Nonetheless)!

Welcome back to Thoughts & Musings!

As a bride, it’s typical to be overwhelmed with questions, decisions, details, and more. In today’s episode, we are going to talk about what exactly the “more” is, and fair warning, it’s about to get personal!

We are here to shed some light on the worries that brides will have the closer it gets to wedding day - the worries that aren’t normally discussed (but should be!) when it comes to being THE BRIDE! Although a bit taboo, trust us when we say that you’re not the first bride to panic over these lingering questions, and you surely won’t be the last…

Personal question #1: How will I be able to use the bathroom while dressed in my wedding gown?
You could, although it would be A LOT of work, take the dress off completely every time you have to go tinkle, but this wouldn’t be our recommendation. Instead, you know those bridesmaids you chose to stand by your side on your big day? Well, if you weren’t close before, you surely will be now. Typically it takes two (sometimes even three, depending on the dress) bridesmaids to help you go potty; one bridesmaid will stand on either side of you to hold your dress, while you focus on not soiling your undergarments. No room for modesty on your wedding day (well, ONLY while in the bathroom, that is). Another pro tip: sit on the toilet seat backwards, so you are facing the wall, to avoid the train of your dress from possibly slipping into the toilet bowl.

Personal question #2: What if Aunt Flo decides to come, even if she wasn’t invited?
Ahhh yes, our dear Aunt Flo. We love her (when we are expecting her), don’t we? If you happen to be on the pill, you can talk with your doctor about how to safely tweak your schedule to either speed up or delay your cycle, depending on which makes the most sense for your wedding day. Typically, you can alter your natural schedule by skipping your sugar pills, but we are wedding planners, NOT DOCTORS!! Be sure to talk to your physician about what is best for your body!
If you are not on the pill, still go talk to your doctor - there may be something he/she can do! However, even if Aunt Flo demands she be at your big day, don’t stress too much about it. You’re a woman. It’s natural. Just be prepared with EXTRA protection so you can change frequently to avoid an accident!

Personal question #3: You know how when some girls get too warm, they glisten? Yeah, that’s not me! I SWEAT! How do I avoid pit stains on my wedding dress and keep my BO away?
First and foremost, even “those” girls who only glisten still produce body odor. Again, keep in mind that sweating is NATURAL. It’s your body’s way of it keeping itself cool… but, we do understand that you don’t want to worry about these pesky things on your big day, so here are some solutions:
Some brides will get Botox injections in their armpits to prevent excessive sweating. That, however, can be a bit extreme to others, so we encourage you to keep a mini travel-size deoderant in your purse (or have one of your bridesmaids hold onto it in theirs) to apply throughout the day. We have heard wonderful things about “Certain Dri”, for what it’s worth.

Personal question #4: Would I just be the worst bride/wife on the planet if I were too tired to have sex on my wedding night?
NOT AT ALL! You’d be surprised how many newlyweds actually don’t have sex on their wedding night for that very reason (or because they drank one drink too many)! In a recent survey, AT LEAST 25% of just married couples refrain from having sex on the night of their wedding. Remember, the day of the wedding wasn’t just one day - it was months of planning and preparation, and THAT can be tiring. Plus, you literally have the rest of your lives to get busy in the bedroom!

Personal question #5: I really don’t like being the center of attention, and I know that on my wedding day everyone will be looking at me. That makes me nervous, and when I get nervous, my mouth gets drier than the Sahara and my breath starts to stink. How can I make sure that my breath stays fresh all day?
Before your wedding day, it would be a VERY good idea to take a trip to the dentist (for obvious reasons). You can ask the dentist to give your teeth a good cleaning to remove the built up plaque, for that is the culprit for bad breath. Leading up to the big day, and especially on the big day, be sure to drink lots of water since lack of fluids can impact your breath (if you were worried about drinking too much fluid because of needing to use the bathroom, refer to personal question #1). Mints are also a good idea. Have the bridesmaid who is holding your deoderant add mints to their purse, too! Although gum can be helpful, we don’t recommend that for no one wants to see a gorgeous bride in a beautiful gown chomping away on a piece of Bazooka Bubble Gum.

Of course, there are more concerning thoughts that go through a bride’s mind, as the wedding day approaches, but just remember this:

THERE IS A SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHING! And, even if there wasn’t, at the end of the day you will be married to the man or woman your heart desires most, and that’s the greatest solution of them all!

Looking forward to chatting with you again soon on Thoughts & Musings!